The Best Mobile Inventory Software for Construction & Building Materials

Take control of your inventory with real-time mobile automation. Download this starter guide to learn how mobile inventory solutions can solve common supply chain challenges and reduce operating costs.

cover image of the RFgen ebook: The Best Mobile Inventory Solution for Construction and Building Materials

Gain 24/7 Visibility Throughout Production

Production bottlenecks. High worker turnover. Lost materials. Complex inventory management. Complicated supply chains. Sound familiar? These industry-wide challenges can make it difficult for any company to stay on top of day-to-day inventory needs, let alone scale operations for future growth.

Mobile inventory solutions can help you break down these barriers of inefficiency and take back control, accelerating performance while improving quality, visibility, and cost control.

Download this introductory guide and learn how mobile inventory management:

  • Reduces or eliminates error-prone manual data entry and paper-based processes
  • Helps you achieve 24/7/365 visibility over your entire supply chain
  • Increases accuracy to 99.99%, efficiency and productivity by 30%
  • Reduces on-hand stock levels and costs
  • Enhances maintenance and asset management
  • And more

Transform your business. Download the eBook to get started.

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Enhance Visibility with Real-time Automation

Of supply chain executives prioritize visibility
Of manufacturers lack end-to-end visibility
Of manufacturers plan to implement mobility
Material visibility possible with RFgen MobileEdge™

Companies in the construction and building materials industry must automate inventory processes to keep pace with today’s complex supply chain challenges. By striking first with future-proof software like mobile barcoding, businesses can gain significant efficiencies and cost reductions, positioning themselves as leaders in their industry.

Download the eBook today.

Take the first step to transforming your manufacturing efficiency. Download your copy of the guide to learn how you can automate material tracking, reduce waste, and slash costs with real-time automation.