Mike Davis
Client Applications Director

Mike Davis
Client Applications Director
With nearly 20-years’ experience at RFgen and having seen first-hand many warehouse operations, Mike stands at the forefront of the fastest moving mobile barcoding and data collection technology. He truly understands his customer's goals and business challenges and determines the best way to do things to support their business outcomes. As director of client applications, he is responsible for spearheading our new open-source app development, as well as the next generation of advanced business apps.
Over the years, Mike has produced successful and enduring results for some of the largest companies in the world. But more than that, Mike is a person whose opinion is highly sought after, and whose judgment is respected and trusted. He mentors our dynamic ERP consultant team while managing the quality of RFgen solutions.
Mike started his career with RFgen in 1999 as Project Manager, working on a few database-connection and green-screen mapping projects, and finally JD Edwards. In 2003, he shifted his focus to SAP and built the initial suite of applications that connected through the RFgen SAP connector and spearheaded the company’s certification the following year.
Mike’s technology journey started back in 1983 when his parents brought home an NCR (IBM Compatible) XT PC and two floppy drives. Having mastered the Atari 2600 (which he still has) and typing in enough GW BASIC code to create games from the Family Computing magazine, he realized he could make it do other things if programmed differently. Mike ended up learning another 10 coding languages through school and college jobs, one of which was working on the Y2K project for CalPERS. After graduation, he was immediately hired by EDS (Electronic Data System) as an analyst.
Mike holds a bachelor’s degree in Management of Information Systems from California State University Sacramento, and an MBA in Telecommunications Management from Golden Gate University.
I’ve always liked puzzles. To figure out exactly how to use the right commands to get the computer to do what you want is just like doing a puzzle. Having seen plenty of warehouse operations during my tenure, you learn what really is the best way to do things even though every customer may do them a little differently. A puzzle is always different. So is my job. I never know what my day holds for me, so it always stays fresh.